Two at-large members elected by the Association, Officers of the Association, Chairperson or representative from each of the three Committees, Fox Valley representative to Conference Finance Committee and the Association Minister.
Responsibilities and Possibilities
- Engage all committees in planning for, and carrying out a united program for the Association.
- Address “business” items, e.g. budget, Association Office, annual meeting business agenda.
- Make appointments as needed between Association annual meetings.
- Hear and take action as needed on appeals of authorization decisions and actions of the Committee on Ministry, subject to the most recently adopted Fox Valley Association appeal process.
- Review the Design for Ministry annually to keep it viable and challenging.
Committee Members
Rev. Catherine Erwin,’19 Moderator
Robin Thomas, ’19 1st Vice Moderator
Rev. Kendra Joyner-Miller, ’19 2nd Vice Moderator
Rev. Emily Mitchell, ’19 Secretary
Rev. Peter McQueen, ’19 Treasurer
Rev. Jana Chwalisz, ’19 At-Large
Timothy Burke, ’20 At-Large
Sinclair Gallagher, ’20 Ad-Hoc
Vacant, ’19 Youth At-Large
Conference Staff Consulting (Ex-officio without vote)
Acting Associate Conference Minister, the Rev. Kimberly Wood