Committee on the Church


This Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., rotating among the churches of the Association.


Congregational outreach and communication, leadership training, peace and justice; covenant relationships.


This Committee shares the mission of Fox Valley Association: to develop, support and link leaders and congregations in ministry to one another and to the world in the name of Jesus Christ.  It relates to other Committees through the Association Council.

Responsibilities and Possibilities

  • Implement policies of the U.C.C. Constitution, the Manual on the Church, and Association/Conference policies for all congregations with, or seeking, standing in the Association.
  • Establish guidelines for congregational standing, receive and act on church requests for standing, monitor their standing and, when necessary, recommend termination of standing.
  • Build connections with and among congregations.
  • Bridging local churches to concerns and relationships beyond the local church.
  • Facilitate communication with and between the Association and local congregations.
  • Train, equip, and support leaders and congregations; utilizing workshops, training sessions, and resourcing. Plan the program portion of the May and October Association meetings, in conjunction with the Association Council.
  • Develop and nurture new churches and churches in transition.
  • Link local congregations to the state, national and global ministries of the UCC, encouraging participation in peace and justice issues and in OCWM.
  • Serve as the “Church and Ministry Committee” –  when that wording is used in Wider Church or other policies or bylaws, in any matters relating to congregations with, or seeking, standing in the Association.