Committee on Ministry

This Committee meets the second Thursday of each month. Please see the events calendar for upcoming dates and locations.

An Association of churches in covenant relationship, enlisting and nurturing persons for and in authorized ministry.

This Committee shares the mission of Fox Valley Association: to develop, support and link leaders and congregations in ministry to one another and to the world in the name of Jesus Christ. It relates to other Committees through the Association Council.

Twelve persons elected by the Association, first vice moderator. Association Minister, and any additional persons invited for particular responsibilities.

Responsibilities and Possibilities
Implement provisions of the U.C.C. Constitution, the Manual on Ministry and Association/Conference policies for ordained, licensed and commissioned ministry, clergy compensation and call provisions, in-care, ecclesiastical councils, privilege of call, transfer of standing, partnership standing, dual standing, endorsements, periodic situational and informational consultations and fitness reviews, etc .

Authorization for ordination and commissioned ministry is granted by action of the ecclesiastical council. All other decisions and actions related to authorized ministry, including fitness reviews, termination of standing and other fitness review outcomes, are delegated to the Committee on Ministry. The Committee on Ministry will report their actions to the Association Council and to the Association in their annual report.

All authorization decisions and actions by the Committee on Ministry are subject to appeal using the most recently adopted Fox Valley Association appeal process.

Receive and administer funds for educational scholarships and career development counseling.

Represent the Association at ordinations, installations and recognitions encouraging clergy attendance.