This Committee meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Congregational UCC of St. Charles, 40W451 Fox Mill Blvd., 60175.
Exploring and sharing with Fox Valley congregations’ information, resources and possible advocacy actions concerning justice, peace, and social concerns.
This Committee shares the mission of Fox Valley Association: to develop, support and link leaders and congregations in ministry to one another and to the world in the name of Jesus Christ. It relates to other Committees through the Association Council.
Responsibilities and Possibilities
- be responsible for communicating peace and justice issues to FVA congregations.
- organize local churches to respond to events and minster within their community.
- link local congregations to the state, national and global ministries of the UCC, encouraging participation in peace and justice issues and in OCWM.
- follow the mandate as given in the Conference Justice and Witness Committee.
Committee Members
Rev. Brian Cope, Chair
Nancy Kneip, Secretary
Rev. Nancy Fraley
Susan Bulak
Conference Staff Consulting
Acting Associate Conference Minister, the Rev. Kimberly Wood